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Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 12:17:40 PST
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #230
To: info-mac-list
Info-Mac Digest Mon, 29 Nov 93 Volume 11 : Issue 230
Today's Topics:
"Optimem" again (Q)
32-bit clean programming languages
Apple's product line
AppleScript available for free ?
Archives - Docs&Source necessary?
Calendar scheduling software?
CD Jewel Cases for a 3.5" floppy
Color-It! Product Support (A)
ColorIt! Saga continues
Communication Program
Computer Artists-Earn Extra Income In Your Spare Time
Converting PICS/QT to FLC/FLI
Converting PICS/QT to FLI/FLC
Dastardly Duo Modem/Memory Conflict
DDExpand 3.7 Correction
Delrin Fax Pro (Q)
Desktop Textures unexpectedly quits (Q)
Disinfectant for PC ?
Email help needed!
Email help needed! (A)
Excel export tables
Fan-less FPDs for the Mac (R)
Finder problems (R)
Gatekeeper: SetResAttrs on CODE 18 on Finder
Grep (+ sed for auto-ftp script)
Group Scheduling across... (summary)
Hebrew font and wordprocessor for Mac (Q)
Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy (Q)
How to learn DAL? (A)
I think I have a new virus
Jabberwocky, recognized
Jabberwocky According to Newton.
Jef Raskin (Q)
Jeopardy...and Wheel of Fortune.
LaserWriter LS Update
LaserWriter Select 360 vs HP 4MP
LC -> LC475 (A)
LC -> LC 475, PS problem (A,Q)
LineLink 14.4e
LineLink Help
LocalTalk/LaserwriterIINT speed up
LPD (Unix-style line-printer-daemon) for Mac?
Mac Classic System Software
Mac Drivers for HP portable DESKJET PRINTER.
Mac File Manager
Mac to Serial Postscript Printing
MenuChoice 1.8
Mirror/Envisio SmartStack optical
Newsgroup listserv ?
Ofoto vs 8.24GC (Q)
PDA News (from CompuServe)
Persistently "blank" icons
PRAM zapped and no more printing? help!!! (q)
QMS-PS 800 II v47.0 PPD
Quadra 650 and Centris 660AV - Software Compatibility?
RasterOps Accelerator info wanted (Q)
SAS System will support Macintosh
Scanner Software needed
SCSI - Mac and 80x86 together: yes!!! (a)
SetupPartitions 1.0 (Q)
Speech Manager FAQ? Macintalk phonetics?
Stacker( or e-disk )on a Syquest drive( problems )
Startup screen vanishes before icons of inits&cdevs appear - why?
Sumex-aim Connections
System Memory Usage
Text editor for large files?
Text translation?
tornado faxmodem software
uploading apple files to bbs
US Robotics and FaxPro II ?
What is record button extension?
Word 4.0x & Word 5.Xx BUG! (Harmless actually)
Word 4 and TrueType
Word 5.0 and watermark
Wordperfect Release 3.0
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts and Liam
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 11:08:23 EST
From: bouldin@anvil.nrl.navy.mil
Subject: "Optimem" again (Q)
Does anyone use the new Optimem product? Does it work? How well? Is it worth
getting? Anyone with usage to report, I would love to hear from, and I think
lotsa folks on infomac would also like to hear. From the advertising, I can't
tell if this is a great product or pure snake oil! It is cheap, so if it works
like it says, it would be great.
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 21:10:21 GMT
From: Nigel.Gilbert@soc.surrey.ac.uk
Subject: 32-bit clean programming languages
I'm wanting to try out some ideas (in fact about the simulation of
social processes, but that isn't relevant) by writing fairly simple
and small programs on my Quadra 700, which I run in 32-bit mode
because I need more than 8 megs of RAM for other tasks.
However, I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to find a programming
language/development system to use. I first thought of Prolog,
but the Prolog for the Mac I have access to (LPA Prolog) is
not 32-bit clean. Then I tried Microsoft Basic; also not 32-bit
clean. I had a copy of Pop-11 by Cognitive Applications; not
32 bit clean. Of course I could write my prototypes in
Think C, but I'd much prefer something 'higher level' or
at least more tolerant of hacking (i.e. rapid prototyping). And
preferably nothing too expensive, as it comes out of my own pocket.
Any recommendations?
G. Nigel Gilbert, Social and Computer Sciences Research Group,
University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 5XH, England. Tel: +44 483 509292
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 14:53:51 -0500
From: Norman_Chretien@wheatonma.edu (Norman Chretien)
Subject: Apple's product line
>>Sigh.... we used to moan about how few Macs there were....and now
>>there's a new incarnation every 6 weeks? Surely something has to be said for
Harry Myhre responds:
>Think about where MacDonalds hamburgers would be if they would have gone for
>"moderation". The only business that proceeds with moderation is the phone
>compannies - only because they're regulated.
MacDonalds would be known to very few people, and only as the burger stand
that used to be, had Ronald not understood the importance of moderation in
his product line. I rarely visit the place, and I could probably recite
ninety percent of the menu right now. They never had a Big Mac II with the
option of extra pickles OR onions. Or a Big Mac III, which is a II with
three all-beef patties. Or a Big Mac 475, which is really a Quarter
Pounder with Cheese and special sauce, sold only to customers who arrive in
a yellow bus.
There. I said it.
Norman Chretien
PS- Ronald will never wear pigtails or a golden crown.
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 07:17:06 GMT
From: harrym@netcom.com (Harry Myhre)
Subject: AppleScript available for free ?
Doubt that it will ever be available for free. Two easiest ways I know to
get it are with 1) The Tao of AppleScript from BMUG, 2) The Complete
AppleScript Handbook by Danny Goodman.
Harry Myhre harrym@netcom.com
Los Angeles, California
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 12:18:17 GMT
From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
Subject: Archives - Docs&Source necessary?
Why do archives of application have to contain the source and docs, too?
Can't we have the and docs source seperately?
Whenever I get an update of some software I usually don't need the 1MB
of WORD formatted docs or the complete source.
A text file with update info (bugs fixes, new features, etc) should suffice.
Sven :)
Latest example:
"MagGZip" - UMICH:/mac/util/compression/macgzip0.1b2.cpt.hqx (541 K)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 10:39:29 -0500
From: Ed Ver Hoef <verhoef@eng.gtefsd.com>
Subject: Calendar scheduling software?
In info-mac digest #227, Mark Allen said:
>I'm seeking recommendations for software (commercial, shareware, public
>domain) to keep track of upcoming events and things to do by certain dates.
>What I'm looking for in particular are programs that allow me to enter
>action items tied to specific dates. Then when I startup on the date of an
>item, or if not on that date then the first date thereafter, a display would
>come up with the appropriate reminder notice. Also if I don't clear that
>item, then each time I startup thereafter I am again reminded of the pending
>action item. This is sort of a continuing reminder of what's in my "in-box".
>Standard reminders of meetings would be OK also. Does any software exist
>that can handle the specific needs I've outlined?
Several years ago I had the same question and asked for suggestions from the
digest. I received several suggestions and finally bought Smart Alarms by Jam
P.O. Box 4036, Meriden, CT 06450, 203/ 630-0055). It has an appointment diary
as well
as a reminders list. The appointment diary allows you to enter
date-associated items on a
calendar. When launched it displays a calendar showing the current and next
month with
any date for which you have stored an item being highlighted. Items
previously stored
for the current date are automatically displayed. You can edit or add to
those reminders.
You can have access to reminders for other dates by simply clicking on the
date. If the
date is outside the two shown, you can click on a corner of the calendar and
forward or backward two months at a time. You also can display a whole
month's or
whole week's appointments in calendar format on a single screen and print it
in either
format. You can move appointments for any given day to the reminders list.
The reminders list allows you to enter reminders associated with a given date
and time
and to indicate the amount of advance warning (in minutes, hours, days, etc.)
you want
and the sound you want to remind you about the event. If the event recurs at
intervals (minutes to years or like 4th or last Wednesday of the month) you
can set it to
repeat appropriately. When the alarm goes off to remind you of the event, you
can accept
it or tell it to remind you again in a specified time interval.
I have no interest in Jam Software other than as a happy user. The software
is available
for a single user or for multiple users to share. I see that MacConnection is
listing Smart
Alarms at $38.
Ed Ver Hoef
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 93 17:50:20 -0500
From: R. Keith Weaver <u155@csx.cciw.ca>
Subject: CD Jewel Cases for a 3.5" floppy
I am interested in organizing some of my MIDI files in a library using the
standard CD jewel cases. However, I am having problems locating cases that
have an insert that will hold one 3.5" floppy rather than a CD. Does anyone
know of a store that might sell these?
- R. Keith Weaver (Canada Centre for Inland Waters)
Canadian Hydrographic Service Fax - (905) 336-8916
867 Lakeshore Road Phone - (905) 336-4538
Burlington, Ontario
L7R 4A6
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 22:18:56 PST
From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
Subject: Color-It! Product Support (A)
>Any other disgruntled "customers" out there? If this is
>customer service, thank goodness they got less than $10
>from me. I've gotten better service from shareware.
You tale is woeful, sad but true. But I like the software, yes I do!
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 08:37:46 -0600 (CST)
From: Mark Vellek <mvellek@bigcat.missouri.edu>
Subject: ColorIt! Saga continues
Well, after posting my message to Info-Mac, I got a number of replys from
well-meaning Info-Mac'rs telling me to shut off all my extensions, etc.
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear: it was a disk error on the disk they
sent me. Didn't have anything to do from my end, since I tried installing
it on three different systems with the same result: no go.
Anyway, after posting the message, I got a very helpful and supportive
note from "Robert W. Lutz" <RL9721S@ACAD.DRAKE.EDU>, telling me he was one
of the board of directors for MicroFrontier. By his maneuverings, I
received a new disk yesterday (about a week after my post) and it
installed without a hitch.
I reserve comments about the program for those more qualified in graphic
arts (I'm a M.D. and not too arts-oriented, just enjoy the stuff). Seemed
a bit slow on the IIsi, but I'll try it on the C610. Very nice paint
capabilities and comes with a copy of Kai's Power Tools gradient designer.
Well worth the $8.72.
Thanks to all those who responded, but especially to "Robert W. Lutz"
<RL9721S@ACAD.DRAKE.EDU> who took the time to take matters into his own
hands when the company sending out orders failed...
Mark Vellek
Columbia, MO (whereisthat?)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 12:57:20 EST
From: stngiam@MIT.EDU
Subject: Communication Program
I'm looking for a communications program that supports zmodem file
transfers and vt100 & Tektronix emulation. Zterm does the former and
Versaterm Pro does the latter, but is there something that does both?
Have either programs been upgraded recently?
Thanks in advance.
Shih Tung
Chem E
Best l'il Tech School
in Cambridge
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 18:53:32 EST
From: matthewg2@aol.com
Subject: Computer Artists-Earn Extra Income In Your Spare Time
Attention Computer Artists
Earn Extra Income In Your Spare Time
DigiVideo, the world's first purely digital production facility,
needs computer artists skilled in one or more of the following
1. 3-D Rendering (Still pictures and animations)
2. Quicktime Animation/Editing
3. Music Composition
4. 2-D Animation
5. Adobe Photoshop Image Editing
All work is to be completed on your computer equipment. Files
will be exchanged via InterNet FTP, FSP or E-Mail or via MODEM
to our BBS.
If interested, send e-mail to MatthewG2@aol.com (please be sure
to list areas that you are skilled in) or send samples of your
work to Matthew Grossman - Technical Director, DigiVideo, 5620
North Kolb Road, Suite 162, Tucson, Arizona 85715.
Acceptable Formats for Samples:
Mac (400K/800K/1.44M), MS-DOS (740K/1.44M) or
Amiga (880K) disk.
PICT, TIFF, GIF, Mac PhotoShop, JPEG or IFF graphics
QuickTime, MPEG, Amiga ANIM animation formats.
Macintosh SoundEdit, AIFF, Amiga IFF, SoundTracker MOD
sound formats.
Audio cassette.
NTSC S-VHS, VHS, 8mm, Hi8 video tape.
Hardcopy (paper) printouts.
NOTE: Please give this information to your local computer
users group(s).
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1993 06:45:58 GMT
From: Dwayne Sandall <sandall@ccu.umanitoba.ca>
Subject: Converting PICS/QT to FLC/FLI
Just wondering if anybody has any suggestions on utilities that can
convert Mac animations based on PICT/PICS or Quicktime into
Windoze/Autodesk(?) fli/flc formats. I think debabelizer will do the job,
but I would like to know of some alternatives, and some opinions of those
who may actually have done this.
Any input would be greatly appreciated, and if possible, I would
appreciate direct email, with the promise of a summary for all those
Thank you all for your time, and I hope to hear from all you graphics
wizards in the next day or two.
Dwayne Sandall
Advanced Visualization Lab
Faculty of Architecture
University of Manitoba.
204.474.6963 fax204.275.7198
Date: 29 Nov 1993 15:09:23 GMT
From: sandall@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Dwayne Sandall)
Subject: Converting PICS/QT to FLI/FLC
I need to convert some mac based PICS or QT movies into a format
playable on windows known as fli and flc. If anybody has done this, or has
heard of a way to do this, please send me some email. (I would greatly prefer
email, as I am cross-posting this to about 5-8 groups)
Thank you all for your time, and if I find any relevant info, I will post a
summary in the next little while.
Dwayne Sandall,
Advanced Visualization Lab
Faculty of Architecture
University of Manitoba
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 01:17 EDT
From: Larry Innes <ES051322@Orion.YorkU.CA>
Subject: Dastardly Duo Modem/Memory Conflict
Re: My posting of 18 November regarding the conflict between my Express
Modem and an additional 4mb of RAM in a Powerbook Duo 210.
I located both the source of the conflict and the solution. The Express
Modem control panel was causing the problem; why, I don't know, but removing
it from the system folder made my Mac bootable.
The solution to the problem was to upgrade a number of extensions and CP's,
via Apple's System 7.1 Hardware Updater, available on ftp.apple.com.
It still mystifies me how something as simple as a 4 mb difference in RAM
could cause such a stable, well-engineered product to crash and burn.... ;-)
Larry Innes
Faculty of Environmental Studies
York University, Toronto, CANADA
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 09:16:08 -0600 (CST)
From: Eric Durbrow <edurbrow@bigcat.missouri.edu>
Subject: datadesk
I was very surprise to find that Datadesk cannot provide p-values for
correlations. Is there a work-around for this? THANKS.
Eric Durbrow
Dept of Anthropology
University of Missouri-Columbia
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 19:36:50 -0600 (CST)
From: Steve Knouse <knouse@sugar.NeoSoft.COM>
Subject: DDExpand 3.7 Correction
A couple of days ago I sent you a file which you archived as
/info-mac/cmp/dd-expand-377.hqx. In fact it is DDExpand 3.7. A corrected
description is at the end of this note.
Could you please rename the file dd-expand-37.hqx?
I apologize for the confusion.
knouse@sugar.neosoft.com (
Corrected description:
DDExpand 3.7 is an application to expand files compressed with DiskDoubler
or Auto-Doubler that have been compressed with the hardware method --
the one used with the Sigma DoubleUp hardware compression board.
Note that the current version of DDExpand, 3.7.7, does not expand files
compressed with the hardware method. This is why v3.7 is still needed.
[Done - Gordon]
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 23:36 EDT
From: RICH FRIEDMAN <FRIEDMAN@mbcl.rutgers.edu>
Subject: Delrin Fax Pro (Q)
I recently bought a new fax modem and the MaxFax software. The manual said
that I should be able to send, to any fax machine, 16 level (4 bit) grayscale
pictures. THe print driver would convert the image by dithering to give the
idea of a grayscale image. It does mention that for computers with only B&W
monitors, the grayscale radio button would not be available. I have an SE/30
with an attached color monitor. The greyscale readio button is available and
when I tell it to create a greyscale file from a 256 greyscale image all I
is a B&W Image.
I called Promethius tech support and they said that the problem was due to a
bug with the Apple system 7. I don't know if I believe that since I can print
greyscale to a greyscale capable printer.
There is another S/R fax software from Delrin called Fax Pro. It has an added
feature in that it can also OCR received Faxes. Does anyone know if it will
send greyscale faxes from an SE/30????
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 08:39:07 PDT
Subject: Desktop Textures unexpectedly quits (Q)
Of the various desktop pattern installers, I've had the fewest problems
with Desktop Textures 2.0. However, a number of recent ppat files up-
loaded to SUMEX-AIM can't be opened by DT on my IIsi. Increasing the
memory allocation to 1,000 k and shutting off almost all other INITS
doesn't help; neither does changing the filetype and creator to the
same as the ones that work. When I try to open these files, either by
drag and drop or through the open dialogue, DT unexpectedly quits with
an error of type -1. The problematic files are Donna and Paul's, Iain's,
michaelz, mikestextures, and prb180textures.
It may still be a filetype problem, but before I spend a lot of time
fiddling around, does anyone have a suggestion?
Paul Brians, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5020
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 1993 10:16 EST
From: Don't Panic! <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: Disinfectant for PC ?
Dear Netters,
I know this isn't the place for talking about IBM. However, is there a
Disinfectant for an IBM compatible with MS-DOS 3.1? Please e-mail your
response. Please no flames, as my hard disk is nearly full (i.e. flames about
talking about the IBM).
Thank you in advance.
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 18:13:28 +0000
From: fearghas@challis.demon.co.uk (Fearghas McKay)
Subject: Email help needed!
>Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 19:46:34 -0600
>From: (Pete Chane) <pchaneuw@vms2.macc.wisc.edu>
>Subject: Email help needed!
>I use Eudora 1.4 a lot but I am quickly exceeding its limits. I get 20-25
>emails a day using Eduora and I need a way to manage them. I have used
>cc:Mail 2.0 for Windows which has rules-based sorting of email and some
>other useful email management features. Can anyone recommend a better GUI
>email app for the Mac that will get mail from our VAX on campus and will
>work with SLIP dial-in? I need email management. (This sounds like a good
>idea for someone to hack out over the holidays! Can I do it in
>Info-Mac deserves a Pulitzer,
I get over 120 messages a day and it handles it fine.
For the amount of mail you get I would think you can live without the
filters which is the main advantage of 2 for me. ie Mail from some
lists/people goes to their mail box directly.
What limits do you think you are exceeding?
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 10:56:01 PST
From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
Subject: Email help needed! (A)
If Eudora 1.4 doesn't have the filtering you need, why not try Eudora 2.0,
the commercial version. I seem to recall that it includes mail sorting kind
of rules. Suggest you contact QualComm and talk to them, order from chaos
might be a phone call away.
Kee Nethery
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 19:11:14 EST
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM%VTVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Excel export tables
I have often moaned about the lack of a Mac print-to-disk capability
that puts columnar text out without tabs or other obscenities. In my
case, I tend to take data from an Excel spreadsheet, suitably massaged,
for shipment to the VA Tech mainframe to be embedded as tables in Script
documents. For the past few years the principle reason for keeping MS/DOS
on my Mac (via SoftPC) has been to read an Excel-produced WK1 file into
Lotus 1-2-3, then printing the spreadsheet to a file. That yields a data
table in the desired format.
Imagine my surprise when I found that Excel (4.0 at least) can do that
all by itself. How long have I had that program? Don't ask. The "flat
file" add-in is the vehicle for working this magic. Once you add the
flat file item (from Macros) to your add-ins list (Options menu) you can
select an area and "data export" it to an ASCII file that has proper
columnar alignment with the data separated by spaces. Whee!
If I didn't still have a couple of my antediluvian Turbo Pascal programs
on SoftPC's C-disk, I could flush SoftPC from my Mac's hard disk. And
free up a whole bunch of space.
There are two slight hangups I noticed with "flat file." First, it can
truncate some text cell contents. Probably has to do with the MicroSoft
algorithm for figuring out "field" width in the export file. No, you have
no control over it. Yea, MicroSoft! Second, you cannot add "flat file" to
your list of add-ins if any part of the "flat file" pathname has either
an apostrophe or an exclamation point. My office HD is "Al's 170M" and
caused Excel to refuse to add the "flat file" module. Why does MS care
what perfectly legal name is above "flat file" in the hierarchy? Oh well.
In order to keep my existing colleagues linked to the right place, I
temporarily changed my HD's name, added "flat file" to Excel's add-ins
list, and changed the name back to what it was. Excel is perfectly happy
to have an existing add-in with a "'" or a "!" in its full pathname, but
it throws a fit if you want to add or edit the add-in. Go figure.
I hope this "discovery" will be of use to some of you. The problem has
driven me nuts for years. Maybe you, too?
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 06:43:50 -0800 (PST)
From: John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu>
Subject: Fan-less FPDs for the Mac (R)
On 20 Nov 93 <stevtaylor@aol.com> wrote:
> A friend of mine who requires something close to total silence when she's
> writing is looking for a grayscale full page display for her Mac.
> Virtually
> every one we've checked out contains a cooling fan. She queried Apple
> about
> the Apple Full Page Display, and the person who ansered their 800 info line
> was somewhat shocked to discover that even that FPD had an internal fan.
> Ergo, does anyone know of a fan-less FPD? Actually, I have one myself
> -- the
> old Nutmeg-Xerox -- but it only supports 1 bit pixel depth. Is there a
> fan-less FPD that also supports grayscale?
I use a Radius Color Pivot/LE, myself, and as far as I can tell, I can't
hear a fan blowing. The LE has been discontinued, but I've seen some
adverts for it in some Mac magazines recently. Also, I understand that
the new Radius Precision Color Pivot is very close in design to the LE so
that it probably doesn't have a fan, either. I hope this helps.
J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 12:50:18 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Finder problems (R)
In IM-digest V11 #228 WERTZG@NAPC-1.NAVY.MIL (SYSTEM) writes:
> I'm running an LCII and system 7.1. Lately, I've come across a problem
> all of a sudden, I can't use menus or open disk windows at the finder. If
> in an application, the menus work fine.
> Anyone seen anything like this before?
> Greg
Yes, I had the same problem when I started using MenuChoice v1.8. Are you?
I reverted to v1.6 which works OK on my IIsi.
I also reported the problem to Kerry Clendinning, the author of MenuChoice,
who replied to be working on a fix.
Hope this helps.
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 15:43:28 -0600
From: David L. Crow <crow@austin.ibm.com>
Subject: Gatekeeper: SetResAttrs on CODE 18 on Finder
I am receiving messages from Gatekeeper almost every time that I
open a Finder window. Gatekeeper says that System is trying to
SetResAttrs on CODE 18 on Finder. I run Disenfectant and it doesn't
find anything, and other than the Gatekeeper message, I see no ill
effects. Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing
David L. Crow crow@austin.ibm.com Austin, Texas
AWS Graphics Systems CROW at AUSTIN 512/838-1134
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 17:46 PST
From: OUDIZ%HARBOR2.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: graphics
I have DL'd some graphics from sumex that cannot not be read from
various viewers that I have (Dick & Jane's Reader, Quickgif, etc...)
Are there special apps that I can use /need to use to read these?
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 14:41:26 +0100
From: abl@cybill.inesc.pt (Antonio Leal)
Subject: Grep (+ sed for auto-ftp script)
> I am trying to figure out how to use grep pattern matching to make an
> auto-ftp script.
The Unix shell script below should do it (save in a file and make
it executable). I note that the original article had such a good
copy of a moderator 'Archived' note that it produced a line, too ...
#! /bin/sh
# Make an auto-ftp script from info-mac digests; find:
# [Archived as /info-mac/subdir1/subdir2/file.extension; 18K]
# and replace it with:
# get "/info-mac/subdir1/subdir2/file.extension"
# Takes input filename argument or stdin, writes stdout
grep "\[Archived as" $1 |\
sed -e 's/\[Archived as \([_\/\.A-Za-z0-9-]*\); [0-9]*K\]/get \"\1\"/p'
Antonio B. Leal | IST / INESC
+351.1.310 0300 | R. Alves Redol 9, 1000 Lisboa
abl@inesc.pt | Portugal
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 09:43:29 +0100
From: Johan.Solve@itn.hh.se
Subject: Group Scheduling across... (summary)
In Info-Mac Digest #224 I wrote:
> We are looking for a calendar program for group scheduling
> (appointments, to-dos and reminders) across platforms (Sun,
> Mac and Windows).
> Are there any such programs, or are we ahead of time?
Thank's to the (one) reply I recieved! Apparently, we are ahead
of time...
Bob Yellen suggested WordPerfect Office, which claims to have
scheduling functions and ability to run over network. However,
I've heard from other sources that WP Office doesn't function
all that well over a mixed network. And the Sun environment is
probably still left out. Besides, this solution feels like an
>From the local Mac BBS I got the information that the next
version of Lotus cc:mail (2.1?) will have scheduling functions.
This sounds like an interesting alternative, at least for the
Mac and Windows mix. But I don't know about cc:mail and Unix.
Over and out,
Johan Solve Department of Science and Technology
johan.solve@itn.hh.se Halmstad University, Sweden
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1993 12:45:51 +0000 (GMT)
From: bcek1@cus.cam.ac.uk (Bernard Khoo)
Subject: Hebrew font and wordprocessor for Mac (Q)
Dear all,
I am asking this question on behalf of a friend who has just acquired an
She would like to be able to word process in Hebrew. I'm aware that the
Foreign Flag version of Nisus is able to take advantage of Worldscript,
I think that this solution will be a little expensive.
(1) is there a TrueType Hebrew font available out there in the net? (I'd
TrueType rather than Type 1 since it's all built into System 7.)
(2) are there any shareware or cheap commercialware alternatives to Nisus that
allow right-to-left Hebrew word processing?
I think that this is a FAQ, at least I remember seeing this question pop up
every now and then. I apologize if this is so.
Please reply by e-mail to the address below. TIA.
Bernard Khoo bcek1@cus.cam.ac.uk Wellcome/CRC Institute, Cambridge, UK.
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 14:55:22 +0100
From: Anders.Hjelm@Teknikum.uu.se
Subject: Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy (Q)
Some years ago a played a mac-game based on Douglas Adams books "A
Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy" and "Life, Universe, and Everything". It
was a simple "teletype" game with alphanumeric input and output.
Now I would like to have this game again, and give it as a present to a
friend who is a Douglas Adams fan. Anyone who knows where to find it, or
who can send me this game, or knows about an other game based on Adams'
Please answer to Anders.Hjelm@Teknikum.uu.se
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 22:19:04 PST
From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
Subject: How to learn DAL? (A)
I got Butler from Everyware Software. It is a DAL server that runs on a
Mac. I also got DataPrism from Brio. It is a DAL query generator that lets
you use a graphical interface to have the software create DAL instructions.
With DataPrism beating on my personal DAL server, I've managed to learn
quite a bit about DAL.
2176 Torquay Meus
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2M6
Brio Tech
444 Castro St., Suite 700
Mountain View, CA 94041
fax 415-961-4572
Just my opinion,
Kee Nethery
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1993 15:44:59 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Andy Tennant (Tha ESA)" <SNELLJ@snycorva.cortland.edu>
Subject: I think I have a new virus
Date sent: 28-NOV-1993 15:39:11
Something tells me that the slow finder startup problem I've been
having has been triggered by some kind of new virus. I think this
because today, abdou 30 minutes ago, my Mac did something VERY VERY
VERY bad. Upon turning it on, it would make the initial beep noise,
but the normal clicking noise that the cpu makes afterwards didn't
happen. Instead it clunked, and clunked, and clunked...it sounded like
grining...and the monitor showed the disk with a question mark in it.
The grinding continued after I took the cover off and dusted it out,
for maybe 5 times. Then, I left it on...it stopped grinding after a
while...then it ground even harder...so I shut it off. I turned it on
again....and it did the same thing...beeped like it should, but no
second noise made by the cpu. The grinding continued, so I turned it
off. Then on the last try I made...It booted up fine. My mac has been
doing extremely weird things...gatekeeper always tells me there is a
new virus, but disinfectant and virex deny it. System crashes plague
me, and slow cpu process is the cap. Any ideas on my problem? Help
Thanks, Andy Tennant
From: siegmund@astro.washington.edu (Walter Siegmund)
Subject: Jabberwocky, recognized
Neat. Here is the original if you want to compare.
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
`Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jujub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!'
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum gree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wook,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
`And has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Calloh! Callay!
He chortled in his joy.
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
----- End Included Message -----
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 10:29:41 GMT
From: Dylan the Hippy Wabbit <d_spacey@icrf.icnet.uk>
Subject: Jabberwocky According to Newton.
Path: wheel!d_spacey
From: d_spacey@icrf.icnet.uk (Dylan the Hippy Wabbit)
Newsgroups: info-mac
Subject: RE: Jabberwocky According to Newton.
Message-ID: <69687@icrf.icnet.uk>
Date: 25 Nov 93 10:29:13 GMT
Organization: Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK
Lines: 49
Brandon Munday rcently posted Robert McNally's Jabberwocky According to Newton
and asked if anyone had the original for comparison. Here it is folks:-
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
`Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jujub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!'
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum gree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wook,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
`And has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Calloh! Callay!
He chortled in his joy.
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
If any one is interested this came from ra.msstate.edu, archived as
/pub/docs/words-l/Misc/jabberwocky. There are several foriegn language
versions in the same file.
OK, so Jabberwocky is hardly being fair to the Newton's programmers, but do we
really want to be fair? I think not. :-)
Dave Spacey
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 17:39:23 GMT
From: aml@world.std.com (Andrew M Langmead)
Subject: Jef Raskin (Q)
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>I was reminded recently of Jef Raskin, one of the early developers of the
>Does anyone know what Jef is up to these days?
Jef has an article in the December issue of Wired Magazine titled
"Down with GUIs!" In the article he discusses drawbacks to the current
Macintosh/Windows/etc. version of computer interaction, then discusses
a more modeless approach. The system he describes is similar to the
work that he did with the Swiftcard and Canon Cat, but more extendable
with a plug in tool kind of architecture.
Andrew Langmead / aml@world.std.com / BIX a.langmead / CIS 72411,1560
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 10:46:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Jeopardy...and Wheel of Fortune.
I was fortunate enough to see Wheel of Fortune (I believe it's the same
publisher as Jeopardy). The game is very well done. The graphics are good and
the clues are more challenging than those on the TV show. There are different
levels (easy, difficult) and speeds (Vanna walking and turning letters results
in a slower game than Vanna standing to the side and the letters turning
themselves). Up to three people can play; if you're friends aren't around, you
can play with computer opponents. As strange as it may sound, my impression of
Wheel of Fortune is pushing me towards purchasing Jeopardy. I'm assuming I can
expect as impressive a game.
Josephine Colmenares / Fordham University
colmenares@fordmrh1.bitnet / colmenares@rhoda.fordham.edu
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 13:00:47 EST
From: "S. Kharbanda" <sanj@anam.com>
Subject: LaserWriter
Here are a few specs on the LaswerWriter Pro 810
Print Engine: Fuji Xerox XP20
Print Quality: 800-,600-,400-, and 300-dpi available in PostScript Mode
300-dpi available in PCL mode
Print Speed: upto 20 ppm
Controller: Weitek 8200 RISC processor
Ports: Serial, Localtalk and Ethernet ports (the printer is
available in either Twisted-pair or Thin-wire
External SCSI
Memory: 8MB expandable to 32MB
Fonts: 64 Truetype, 35 Postscript Type 1, 32 in PCL mode.
Drivers: Macintosh, Windows and MS-DOS
Page descrip. lang: Postscript Level 2, PCL 4+, Auto-emulation switiching
provided through Virtual Printer technology.
recomm. duty cycle: Minimum life expectancy 600,000 pages.
paper handling: 3 universal cassettes standard; each holds 250 sheets and
supports letter, legal and tabloid paper sizes.
The printer also has an option for an internal Adobe Postscript fax
cartridge, which would enable it to send and receive group 3 compatible
faxes on plain paper with a resolution of upto 800 dpi.
These are some of the specs that i have got from the Apple provided data
sheets.Any errors in reporting these are mine and you use this information
at your own risk. You can obtain a copy of this data sheet by using Apple's
FaxInfo line (1-800-776-2333) the document # for the 810 is 03023.
I am not connected with Apple in anyway other than I use Mac's.
Hope this helps.
S. Kharbanda
V.P Overseas Marketing ANAM Enterprises
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1993 22:40 EDT
From: RICH FRIEDMAN <FRIEDMAN@mbcl.rutgers.edu>
Subject: LaserWriter LS Update
While scanning the new Apple Mail Order catalog I noticed a LaserWriter
Driver Update which will give PLW-LS owners the "advantage of GrayShare
technology". Has anyone tried this $49 new driver? Is it worth the Price?
Will it allow me to print in some form of grayscale???
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 13:00:52 EST
From: "S. Kharbanda" <sanj@anam.com>
Subject: LaserWriter Select 360 vs HP 4MP
I am in the market to buy a Laserprinter so i need some advice.
I think i have researched the market and narrowed my choices to the
1. LaserWriter Pro 630
2. HP 4M
3. LaserWriter Select 360
4. HP 4MP
I seem to be having a hard time getting any specs on the HP4 series, if
someone has access to the datasheets or knows of a ftp site that does could
you email me, please.
>From what i have gathered and what my needs are presently I am leaning
towards the LW S360. It does 10ppm, comes with 7MB RAM, 4MB ROM,
simultaneous connections to parallel, Localtalk and RS-232 serial
interfaces. It has an energy saving sleep mode, option for Postscript Fax
card and ofcourse 600dpi. I am trying to figure out if it does Apple's
Photograde and FinePrint (or is that something one should assume in a 600dpi
printer). Anybody use this machine or have any comments, please advice.
Thanking all in advance.
S. Kharbanda
V.P Overseas Marketing ANAM Enterprises
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 11:15:38 GMT
From: lawry@maths.ox.ac.uk
Subject: LC -> LC475 (A)
> Does anyone know if there's a logic board upgrade for the LC that turns it
> into an LC475? (I read an article that said the LCII and III can be
> upgraded and I'm wondering if the omission of the LC was deliberate.)
> Thanks in advance.
> Graeme Forbes
I asked the same question a few weeks ago. The general response
was "No, there isn't." There doesn't seem to be much excuse for this:
Bruce Humphrey (humphreb@gvsu.edu) said that Apple had told him
that some intermediate changes in the power supply "and other
peripheral issues" made it impossible. I understood that the old
LC/LCII -> LC III upgrade simply took your old hard drive and put it
in a new machine -- that does not seem to be the case here.
Incidentally, for UK (and possibly other countries outside the US)
users -- apparently even the LC II/LC III -> LC 475 upgrade is
unavailable in the UK. Apple have said that it is for US users only.
Well, it looks like the Quadra 610 is the only way to go...
If I'm going to spend that much on a new machine I may as well
spend another 100 pounds for PowerPC upgrade capability.
James Lawry.
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1993 16:18:44 -0600
From: forbes@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu (Graeme Forbes)
Subject: LC -> LC 475, PS problem (A,Q)
Many thanks to those who responded to my question about the possibility of
upgrading an LC to an LC 475. The consensus is that Apple is only providing
board swaps for the LCII and III, and this is because the LC has a power
supply that can't support the LC 475 logic board. It has been suggested to
Apple that they offer a board+power supply upgrade for LC owners, but
there's been no reaction to this yet.
My question is whether an LC owner could put such an upgrade together
him/herself, by getting the LCII/III upgrade from Apple and buying an LCII
power supply from a third party. Would this work or is there a catch?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Graeme Forbes
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 08:31:52 -0600 (CST)
From: Mark Vellek <mvellek@bigcat.missouri.edu>
Subject: LineLink 14.4e
Well, I recommended this to my brother and mother and they went for it.
He's in Seattle, she's in Minneapolis and they do quite a bit a
file-transferring and she hasn't figured out how to get a 'Net account
yet. It was a bit of a hassle, taking the better part of two days and
several phone calls to tech support, but I think it was worth it since
they can now connect at 14.4 v.32bis and I can connect with them using my
SupraFAXmodem v.32bis. Heck, for $204 for two modems that wasn't too bad.
Mark Vellek
Columbia, MO (whereisthat?)
Date: 23 Nov 93 09:17:20 PDT
Subject: LineLink Help
From: Mark Fetler
I too purchased a $99 modem and have been unable to make it
work - even after perusing the relevant FAQs and a lot of
other documentation. The vendors have not been helpful. While
the InfoMac modem wizards have been very gracious and free with
their advice, apparently I'm just not smart enough to make it
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 12:37 EST
From: JMENARD@vax.clarku.edu
Subject: LocalTalk/LaserwriterIINT speed up
We have a 6 MAC Localtalk network with a Laserwriter IINT printer. The
printer is too slow. It has only 2 MB on RAM and I'm wondering if anyone
has any experience with getting speed out of adding RAM. The other
option perhaps, is the new Select 360. Any thoughts?
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 12:38:37 -0700 (MST)
From: "Declan A. Rieb" <darieb@somnet.sandia.gov>
Subject: LPD (Unix-style line-printer-daemon) for Mac?
Is there available a (free/shareware) Mac version of lpd (to catch
Unix-style print requests from TCP/IP and put the data onto a local printer)?
I thought one existed, but cannot find it at SUMEX-AIM or UMICH...
Declan A. Rieb darieb@sandia.gov
Vulnerability Assesment Project, MS 0847
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque NM 87185-0847
(505) 845-8515 FAX: (505) 844-1545
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 08:16:55 EST
From: waxman@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
Subject: Mac Classic System Software
I have recently acquired a Mac Classic:
2M Ram, 40M hard disk
Current Finder: 6.1.7
Current System: 6.0.7
1) What is the latest version of System software that can comfortably
run on this configuration (i.e. I would assume System 7 would be -very-
2) Where do I find a copy of the System software that is the answer to
question 1?
Please respond direct as this will be of little general interest.
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 93 15:38:55 +0900
From: rafac@tanimoto.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Subject: Mac Drivers for HP portable DESKJET PRINTER.
Does anyone know if such a ting exist? I know there are drivers for the
Deskjet 500 , 550 C and 510, but I would like to use the new (black)
portable printer. Any clue?
Thans a lot
Rafael Collantes
Nagoya University
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 08:38 GMT0
From: Pindar Infotek Ltd <pindar3@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Subject: Mac File Manager
>From Pindar user Ian McCall
Subject: _Mac File Manager
I have a probelm with the Mac File Manager. I'm -sure- I'm missing
something entirely obvious, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
I've obtained a StandardFileReply giving details of a folder. I would
now like to use that information to specify a file (arbitrary name)
to appear inside that folder.
My specific problem is that I can't seem to use the information I
have about the parent folder (in the form of an FSSpec) to make an
FSSpec for the target file itself. I'm having all sorts of trouble
with PBMakeFSSpec - can someone help me out?
Please reply via email - I don't actually read this group, and thanks
in advance for any information.
Please make 'Attn:<space>Ian McCall' the first line of your reply
(not the subject) to ensure automatic forwarding to the correct
Pindar user.
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 07:20:38 +0000
From: M.Choo@mya0101.wins.icl.co.uk
Subject: Mac to Serial Postscript Printing
Hi netters, The Portable Sytlewriter for my PB160 came with a
serial to parallel printer cable. I would like to use it with a
HP LaserJet III (with postscript). I remember there was a serial
Laserwriter driver available. Anyone knows where I can get it or
anyway I can get to print on a non-appletalk postscript printer?
TIA - Mike
Date: 23 Nov 1993 08:04:22 -0600
Subject: MenuChoice 1.8
It seems like Menuchoice 1.8 is confusing my finder. Everything works okay
a while, but eventually, I can't use menus or open windows at the finder.
Menus work fine in any application other than the finder. I'm running an LCII
with system 7.1
Menuchoice 1.6 works fine.
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 15:49:42 +0000
From: Graham Allsopp <G.Allsopp@Sheffield.ac.uk>
Subject: Mirror/Envisio SmartStack optical
I've finally got hold of our SmartStack 128MB optical drive, but are having
quite a few problems with it - thanks for nothing Mirror UK.
Can I first state that we've used quite a bit of Mirror stuff in the past,
and had no troubles at all, but now Mirror UK sell the stuff direct ...
So, I'm looking for some help
1: Can anyone get me current US prices for the Mirror (Envisio) SmartStack
128MB optical drive (there are 3 mechanisms: Panasonic, Fujitsu &
Matsushita; all have different prices - I'd like all three if possible)
2: Is anyone willing to send me some Mirror software (or whatever is given
away with Mirror stuff) that will format optical disks (Mirror's Media
Manager 2.45 doesn't recognise the optical drive). Mirror UK have sent the
drive but NO software!! ("We'll put it in the post tonight" - yeah, yeah -
that was 3 days ago)
3: Does anyone have an Email address for Mirror USA, preferably of someone
high up, who I can yell at. As I said, we've previously had good
experiences of Mirror stuff, but I'm getting very close to sending this one
Many thanks for any help,
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 12:48:19 GMT
From: "J. Rossi" <jr10@leicester.ac.uk>
Subject: Newsgroup listserv ?
A question which is often asked: is there any listserv to subscribe to
newsgroup for those with mail facilities but no usenet access ?
Could someone answer this please ?
Francois Rossi jr10@le.ac.uk
PS: answers to info-mac as I believe a lot of people are interested in this.
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1993 11:28:50 -0500 (EST)
From: Greg Madey <gmadey@synapse.kent.edu>
Subject: Ofoto vs 8.24GC (Q)
We are running Ofoto 2.0.2 on a Mac IIcx with an 8.24GC video board
installed. When running the latest 8.24gc cdev (ver. 7.0.1 I believe)
Ofoto occasionally hangs. This happens consistently when zooming on a
recently scanned image using apple's ColorOne Scanner.
A call to (800)SOS-APPL resulted in a 20 minute wait and no advice other
than "make sure you're using the latest 8.24gc init".
The hang occurs even when all non-apple extensions and cdevs are removed.
Any advice? TIA!
Greg Madey, Macintosh Lab Coordinator
College of Business
Kent State University
Kent Ohio 44242
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 07:27:28 -0500 (CDT)
From: THE ONE WHO WALKS <CB15009@academia.swt.edu>
Subject: PDA News (from CompuServe)
Another note from PDA News off CompuServe:
When I first thought of posting a message on CompuServe offering
a free subscription to PDA News I thought I might get a few replies, not
the phenomenal response that occurred. I would like to thank everyone
for their subscriptions, support and interest.
The first issue of PDA News will be out the first full week in December,
please look for us then. Any comments and suggestions you have will be
appreciated, just email PDA Enterprises at 73252,2301 (please don't leave
a message on the Newton Forum).
PDA News is also looking for people in the PDA field to review software,
write articles and offer tips and help. Anyone interested should contact us
by email or by telephone.
And, of course, PDA News is a free publication, if you haven't yet, please
send us your physical address (not email address) and we will include you
on our mailing list.
PDA News may be reached at:
CompuServe: 73252,2301
Internet: 73252.2301@compuserve.com
PO Box 142245
Austin, TX 78714-2245
(512) 392-4779
Jason Curtis
Editor, PDA News
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 13:43:11 -0500
From: gerstel@underground.irhe.upenn.edu (Brian Gerstel)
Subject: Persistently "blank" icons
We have a PowerBook Duo 230 with a strange problem: all of the file icons
are of the "blank" application or document type. I have re-installed the
System (including System Update 2.0.1 and NSI 1.4.1), re-installed all of
our locally used extensions (Macintosh Easy Open & PC Exchange, ATM, etc.),
run Norton Disk Doctor, Disinfectant, and Disk First Aid (the latter
reported Catalog BTree problems which it said it fixed) and re-built the
desktop after each operation, and *still* the icons are blank.
Oh, the Duo is in a Dock with an Asante 10Base-T NuBus card, an extended
keyboard, a Trinitron monitor, and an Express Duo Modem
Frankly, I'm baffled. Does anyone out there have any suggestions?
Brian Gerstel
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 20:34:12 ITA
From: maurizio lana <LANA%ITOCSIVM.CSI.IT@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: PRAM zapped and no more printing? help!!! (q)
I did a stupid thing: tried what means zapping the PRAM.
I did it. I succeded. It was yesterday.
Now, today, when trying to print, nothing happen. Nothing.
But: at boot, the printer loads one sheet of paper (never done) and goes
The documents sent to print don't appear anywhere, waiting to be printed (as
happens when you for some reason have the printer disconnected).
I strongly suspect that this is due to PRAM zapped. Any ideas?
I hope someone can help me because I must print some urgent docs!
Many thanks.
PS: given the urgence, could you CC: your message to me?
CISI - Universita' di Torino - V. S. Ottavio 20 - 10124 Torino Italy
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 10:56:47 MST
From: Jim Powlesland <powlesla@acs.ucalgary.ca>
Subject: QMS-PS 800 II v47.0 PPD
PageMaker 5.0 (Mac) ships with a PPD for a QMS-PS 800 laser
printer but not the QMS-PS 800 II. I need either the QMS-PS 800
II or the QMS-PS 800 II v47.0 PPD. Does anyone have it?
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 08:04:05 +0000
From: A.D'Emanuele@manchester-computing-centre.ac.uk (Antony D'Emanuele)
Subject: Quadra 650 and Centris 660AV - Software Compatibility?
I am thinking of upgrading my IIci to either a Quadra 650 or Centris 660AV.
Should all my current software work OK or should I expect problems? I also
have a Screen Machine Card and Teleport/FullFax, will these be OK?
Look forward to any comments.
Tony D'Emanuele, University of Manchester
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 14:15:43 +0100
From: simula3@di.unito.it (Alex Rodella)
Subject: RasterOps Accelerator info wanted (Q)
A well-known friend of mine, Alessandro Levi Montalcini, recently got
an old NuBus video card named "RasterOps Accelerator II". The card has
plenty of on-board memory, which is able (I think) to use as GWorld
memory or as a RAMdisk.
Nicely indeed, even if the card is inserted in a slot in his IIcx, the
slot appears as empty to the Operating System.
Does he need to throw away the card?
Does he need a control panel/extension? Where can I find it? (with
FTP, Gopher, etc.)
Does he need to sell his IIcx? ;-)
Fabrizio Oddone
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 10:43:50 PDT
From: Data untouched by human minds <GSW$EN@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU>
Subject: SAS System will support Macintosh
For everyone who can't wait to run the SAS System on their Macs, the
following information was excerpted from the latest SAS Communications,
the quarterly of the SAS Institute (SI).
A team of SAS Institute developers has begun developing the SAS System
on the Apple Macintosh.
The initial implementation is targeted for SAS software users who have
incorporated the Macintosh into their corporate network, [and also have
big bucks?] and want the functionality of the SAS System on all the
platforms in their organization.
This implementation is also expected to be a stepping stone for a
release on the upcoming PowerPC Macintoshes [SI demonstrated the SAS
System on the IBM PowerPC system at UNIX Expo].
"What we'd like is to have users tell us how they will use SAS software
within the Macintosh environment," says Joanna D'Aquanni, SI's Macintosh
product marketing manager. "The more information we can collect, the more
we can target the product for what our user want."
SI's Macintosh team is conducting a survey to collect information such
as what Macintosh configurations are being used, as well as anticipated
SAS application needs. If you currently have Macs installed, are
interested in this upcoming product, and would like to be part of this
process, send E-mail to sasjmd@vm.sas.com
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 05:47:08 BST
From: Richard Smith <richard@mole.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Scanner Software needed
I'm looking for the software drivers to go with a Microtek UB-80 flatbed
scanner. It's there on the SCSI chain, but the only software I've got is a
Photoshop plug-in, and I haven't got Photoshop!
Richard Smith (richard@mole.demon.co.uk)
Hardware & Systems Executive
NorthEast Macintosh User Group - UK
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 18:48:41 ITA
From: maurizio lana <LANA%ITOCSIVM.CSI.IT@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: SCSI - Mac and 80x86 together: yes!!! (a)
Yes, you can connect an Apple CD300 to your PC and Adaptec board using Corel
SI software. Read of this very thing in a message from CDROM-L.
I myself am thinking of upgrading to an Apple CD300 to be used with Mac and
h 486-33.
Best wishes.
CISI - Universita' di Torino - V. S. Ottavio 20 - 10124 Torino Italy
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 08:43:32 EST
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: SetupPartitions 1.0 (Q)
Fabrizio Oddone said:
FO> Quadra AV users will particularly appreciate SetupPartitions: in
FO> fact, it seems that the only driver exploiting the new awesome
FO> hardware capabilities of the AVs is the Apple one. So you want
FO> to format with Apple HD SC Setup. Since these days hard disks
FO> are pretty huge, you also want to partition. So you want
FO> SetupPartitions.
I am told that my 840av with 1 GB drive is "on the truck headed for
your office". Clearly, I will want to partition the drive. Normally
I would my partitioning with Silverlining, but I do remember some
discussion on the list that indicated that Silverlining can't handle
SCSI DMA. It sounds like SetupPartitions can. (I hope I am not
reading too much into Fabrizio's comments.)
My preference is to do a "hard" partition (creating several logical
partitions) as opposed to a soft partition (a large file(s) that
fools the Mac OS into thinking that the drive is partitioned.)
Does SetupPartitions support hard partitioning?
Jeffrey Fritz
West Virginia University
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 93 19:20:01 GMT
From: Michael Everson <EVERSON%IRLEARN.UCD.IE@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Speech Manager FAQ? Macintalk phonetics?
Is there a Speech Manager FAQ? Is it compatible with Macintalk
phonetic input? I'm interested in languages _other_ than
English.... Thanks for any pointers.
Michael Everson
School of Architecture, UCD; Richview, Clonskeagh; Dublin 14; E/ire
Phone: +353 1 706-2745 Fax: +353 1 283-8908 Home: +353 1 478-2597
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 10:25:16 -0600 (CST)
From: "Thomas W. Davie" <tdavie@CC.UManitoba.CA>
Subject: Stacker( or e-disk )on a Syquest drive( problems )
I just recently bought an external Syquest 88/44 drive. Works ok,
and I can boot off of it, etc. I installed Stacker 1.0, and the drive
compresses ok, and it *is useable* until I have to reboot. The chronology
of the problem follows.....
1. Reboot. Dialogues comes up stating that this is not a Mac disk,
eject/initialize. Reference in Stacker manual says to reboot, so I 'eject'
the disk, reboot, but the problem persists. Stackered cartridge not
2. Use the Stacker removeable extension and SCSIprobe 3.2 to 'force' the
cart to mount. No go.
3. Try the demo version of e-disk to compress the cart. Upon reboot to
access the E-disked cart, my Mac won't start( this is with the internal
drive as the bootup drive, and the Syquest as a secondary drive ). Have to
turn the Syquest off, reboot, and then reformat the cart.
The drive came with formatting/partitioning software called SpotPEAK. I
don't know if this is the problem, or.....
Is there anyone who can give me a couple of kind tips, or( hopefully )tell
me somethign that I am blatantly doing wrong? I *know* you can compress
external carts, so I'm thinking perhaps I'm cursed.
Thanks for any advice
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1993 03:08:20 GMT
From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
Subject: Startup screen vanishes before icons of inits&cdevs appear - why?
The icons of my inits and cdevs used to be displayed on my startup screen;
now I have noticed that before any icons appear the startup screen goes away.
Any clues to why this happens?
Sven :) [IIvx, Sys7.1]
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 07:35:00 -0800 (PST)
From: CCONSTAN@epdiv1.env.gov.bc.ca
Subject: Sumex-aim Connections
I have tried on many occations to get to the Sumex-Archives. Both via ftp &
gopher. I think it would be benificial for Sumex to increase their connection
limit, use a separate server for their gopher and adopt the use of AFS.
These suggestions are similar to how mac.archive.umich.edu has been set up.
Sending mail to get a file is a great idea also!!
[:-). Ok. I'll go do that now! Why didn't I think of that!? ;)
We have those connection limits so that the lucky few that do connect are able
to get files downloaded in a reasonable amount of time. We cannot use a
different machine for gopher because we don't have access to one. What is
AFS? You can send mail to get a file already... I've included instructions
The crux of the problem is that the internet is expanding. Getting a bigger
machine or another machine will alleviate the problem in the short term.
Really, a new type of archive needs to be constructed (distributed?). There
are a number of people attempting to solve this problem but we are years (at
least months) away from solving this problem. -- Gordon]
Sumex moderators, can anything be done. Even using one mirror site that I
know of (wuarchive.wustle.edu) doesn't always work. And I try at 7:00am MT
(I'm in BC Canada) and still get refused connections.
Carl B. Constantine
Send a message to LISTSERV@ricevm1.rice.edu with your commands (either single
or one to a line) as the body of the message. The subject line doesn't
Possible commands:
The file should show up as a mail message to you. There may be two additional
messages also; one tells you what name the file will be sent to you under
(for reasons to do with Bitnet support it doesn't use the real name).
The other tells you how much CPU time you burned.
Please be considerate of the nice people at Rice in your use of the
server. This means keep the bulk of your usage outside of working hours.
If too many people load down the system, we might lose this capability.
Don't contact us for help with the server -- we don't know any more than
what's in this message. Send questions/problems to mark@ricevm1.rice.edu.
If you are in Europe, please use the similar fileserv@irlearn.bitnet instead
of listserv@ricevm1.rice.edu. That saves time and network telephone bills.
The Info-Mac Moderators
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 11:12:09 EST
From: bouldin@anvil.nrl.navy.mil
Subject: System Memory Usage
I am running a system where I can have up to 24 bit color. I am running
System 7.1. If I boot with Monitors control panel set for "millions" of colors
I get a System that use 5.5 megs of memory, BUT, if I boot with Monitors set
to Black and White, the System takes up 2.7 megs of memory, and, after booting
I can switch to "millions" of colors and everything runs just fine!
What the blazes is going on here? I can understand that 24 bit color might
call for more memory, but that's what VRAM is for, yes?? And, why can I switch
monitor modes after boot and still run fine in 1/2 the memory????
Very puzzling.
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 01:23:17 +0200 (EET)
From: Matti Haveri <mhaveri@phoenix.oulu.fi>
Subject: Text editor for large files?
What is the best application to view and edit large text-files without
huge amounts of application memory and with the ability to **wrap**
**text to the window width?** This question has been asked many times
on the net but I haven't seen any good answers.
TeachText and TexEdit can only open <30K files. SaintEdit 1.1.1
seemed to be good but it couldn't open one 1.3M file with 2500K of
memory that my Mac had available. BBEdit lite opens the file with
just 300K of memory and I have been using it for now. I've also heard
about a desk accessory called Quick View but I haven't tried that
BBedit has only one limitation for my purposes and it's word wrap.
When the viewed text has carriage returns only at the end of a
paragraph this makes each paragraph continue far beyond the right
margin. I know that I can use BBEdit's wrap-command but that inserts
CR's to the end of each line and I don't want to do that because "Mac
is not a typewriter" and CR's belong only to the end of each
paragraph IMHO.
Is such application available?
Matti Haveri
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 10:28:06 LCL
From: ESMITH%SUVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Text translation?
OK you Mac guru's, here's a problem that has stumped me, but maybe
one of you out there know's how to solve my problem.
What I have is a very large text file (almost 2 meg) that I want to
break up into much smaller individual documents so I can import
those into FileMaker Pro. Breaking up the large file should not be a
problem because each document is preceded by a specific sequence of
characters and virtually any word processor can do a search and replace
for me.
My problem lies with the individual lines. It seems that each one is
ended with a carriage return and Filemaker looks at that as the end
of a document. It is trying to import each line as a separate document.
What I'm trying to do is find something that will translate each of those
returns into something Filemaker recognizes as only a line return, not
a new document. I've tried using standard word processing search and
replace (no luck) and even MacSink (again no luck).
Anyone out there got any other ideas what might work for me?
As Always,
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 16:21:22 +0100
From: Wim Heys <W.J.M.Heys@wmw.tue.nl>
Subject: tornado faxmodem software
Hi fellow netters,
I recently bought a Tornado faxmodem (type 9696E). The main purpose is
to use it as a modem. It would be nice, however, also to be able to use
it as a fax. The dealer only supplies the specific fax software for
MsDos and not for the Mac. Does anyone know of fax software for the Mac
for this type of modem (preferably public domain) ? Please reply to
Thanks very much,
Wim Heijs
Eindhoven University of Technology
The Netherlands
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 93 14:12:48 cet
From: h8650763@idefix.wu-wien.ac.at (ADALBERT WOJCIECH DUDA)
Subject: uploading apple files to bbs
Hi everybody,
Ive read here on the digest that to use the Text-to-Speech software by
Apple, Ive to get the Macintalk-pro and speech-manager files from
> FTP to ftp.apple.com and switch to the directory
> Download the files:
> macintalk-pro.hqx 6,127 K
> speech-manager.hqx 362K
My question regarding this software is: Is is legally acceptable to upload
this software to a local BBS, or has ftp.apple.com exclusive distribution
rights for those files ? Uploading those files would make thinks lot
easier, since lot of people here dont have internet access but would also
like to try this software !
It would also include copying those files on disk and sending them to
other members, since most of the people cannot download several megabytes
by modem - we have high telefon costs here in Austria :-(
Thanks for any help,
I really enjoy to read the digest,
Adalbert Wojciech Duda
P.S. reply to the digest or directly to my mailbox, as you like it.:-)
Student at the Vienna University of Business Administration & Economics
Software Librarian at AMDA-Link BBS Vienna, Austria,
Internet Email: h8650763@idefix.wu-wien.ac.at
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1993 18:03:19 +0100
From: Jordi Steve <jordi@scsun.unige.ch>
Subject: US Robotics and FaxPro II ?
Hi there,
I just would like to know if someome is using a US Robotics Sportster
with FaxPro II software ?
If yes, is it fully compatible ?
I thank you for any help.
Steve Jordi-Dpt of Geophysics-U of Geneva-Switzerland-jordi@scsun.unige.ch
Date: 26 Nov 93 01:46:55 GMT
From: mgscheue@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Mark G. Scheuern)
Subject: What is record button extension?
I installed the System Update 2.0.1 and now have an extension called
"record button". What is it?
Mark Scheuern
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 22:10:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: Dieder Bylsma <dbylsma@uoguelph.ca>
Subject: Word 4.0x & Word 5.Xx BUG! (Harmless actually)
This little bug has me chuckling...
in the Word Count dialog box, hitting the space bar initiates and cancels
a word count. No big deal right? Well, all's fine. Now do a word count on
your favourite document(s) and note the # of words... now do the same
thing but interrupt and resume the word count, i.e. hit the space bar a
number of times during the count. Each time it will stop and the start and
then stop and start. Note the final number of words!
I wonder how related word 4.0x and 5.Xx are? :-)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 19:29:58 -0800
From: tonya@tidbits.com (Tonya Engst)
Subject: Word 4 and TrueType
S. Gonzalez asked about running Word 4 with TrueType and a StyleWriter II:
Here's the scoop;
Word 4 (any version) when running under System 6, has trouble printing
print TrueType fonts correctly to many QuickDraw printers, including but
not limited to: the StyleWriter, StyleWriter II, and LaserWriter LS. (It
does work to the various DeskWriters.)
A typical problem printout has most of its text on the left edge of the
page, with text that should be at the right overlapping text on the left.
The overlapping makes the printout pretty much illegible.
This problem appeared when Apple shipped the StyleWriter and while MS was
shipping Word 4.0d. As I understand the story, Apple wrote an init, called
~MS Word TrueType Printer TM Init, which Microsoft began shipping on the
4.0d Program disk.
You can get the init (no charge) by calling MS at 800-426-9400. They will
send you a new Word 4.0d disk set, but the ONLY thing you need to install
is the init, which is on the program disk. You can also call Word support
at 206-635-7200. (Non-U.S. people should call the suppport site in whatever
country they are in or 206-936-8661) The init is commonly available on
Applelink, AOL, Compuserve, etc, though I don't know where exactly.
If you cannot access the INIT, but have enough RAM to turn on Multifinder,
this workaround often helps:
1. In the Chooser turn on background printing (you must have Multifinder on
to turn it on).
2. In File/Page Setup, turn on Fractional Widths.
Note that you can click in the Set Default checkbox to make Fractional
Widths on a default. This makes it the default for new documents, but does
not change existing documents.
The problem occasionally crops up with System 7,but 99.99 percent of the
time printing works fine under System 7.
Hope this helps,
Tonya Engst, TidBITS Editor -- tonya@tidbits.com --info@tidbits.com
My opinions are not necessarily those of my employer, Microsoft
Date: 26 Nov 1993 08:22:46 GMT
From: chrisbro@carson.u.washington.edu (Christopher Brockett)
Subject: Word 5.0 and watermark
For those who are experimenting with watermarks using Word, the
procedure using the frame command described recently on this newsgroup does
not work properly when the main text contains tables in which some of the
cells are empty. Empty cells are apparently treated as opaque, and the
watermark does not show through, leaving a broken pattern. It
seems to work fine for when the material in the foreground is text.
Chris Brockett chrisbro@u.washington.edu
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 09:16:00 EST
From: mhm1@zippy.ho.att.com
Subject: Wordperfect Release 3.0
can anybody point me in the direction of an internet ftp location
that has a demo version of the newest version of wordperfect for the
mac (version 3.0 i believe).
please respond to me directly as i don't read through info-mac.
thanks in advance
Max Miller
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 10:57:27 +0000
From: Jonathan AH Hogg <hoggja@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest
Path: hoggja
From: hoggja@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk (Jonathan AH Hogg)
Subject: LC475 upgrade price in UK (Q)
Message-ID: <CH1nrn.6po@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk>
Organization: Glasgow University Computing Science Dept.
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 10:57:22 GMT
Lines: 11
i guess the subject line says it all - has anyone seen a price? educational
if possible. our local dealer hasn't a clue. i want to work out whether its
cheaper to upgrade or sell out and buy new. my LCII is looking a bit dated
now. buying new would mean i could get a bigger drive too and i wont have
to worry about what to do with my extra ram and fpu i bought.
Jonathan AH Hogg, Electronic and Software Engineering, University of Glasgow
54/6 Shelley Court, Glasgow, G12 0XD || 041 357 2835 || hoggja@dcs.gla.ac.uk
End of Info-Mac Digest